1 WebRTC版本


2 GCC的概念

GCC全称Google Congest Control,所谓拥塞控制,就是控制数据发送的速率避免网络的拥塞。可以对比TCP的拥塞控制算法,由于WebRTC使用基于UDP的RTP来传输媒体数据,需要一个拥塞控制算法来保证基本的Qos。
*注:本文不涉及Transport CC,只是早期版本的GCC。

3 GCC的思想





4 发送端


4.1 基本流程


  • 收到RR包,受限于RR包的频率,大概1秒1次,更新了丢包率、RTT之后调用;
  • 定时器,25ms一次,kUpdateIntervalMs=25,这个应该是为了防止RR包丢失或者不及时,更迅速灵敏的进行调整;


4.2 计算丢包率/RTT

通过SR(Sender Report)、RR(Receiver Report)包计算。

        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
header |V=2|P|    RC   |   PT=SR=200   |             length            |
       |                         SSRC of sender                        |
sender |              NTP timestamp, most significant word             |
info   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
       |             NTP timestamp, least significant word             |
       |                         RTP timestamp                         |
       |                     sender's packet count                     |
       |                      sender's octet count                     |
report |                 SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source)                 |
block  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  1    | fraction lost |       cumulative number of packets lost       |
       |           extended highest sequence number received           |
       |                      interarrival jitter                      |
       |                         last SR (LSR)                         |
       |                   delay since last SR (DLSR)                  |
report |                 SSRC_2 (SSRC of second source)                |
block  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  2    :                               ...                             :
       |                  profile-specific extensions                  |


        0                   1                   2                   3
        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
header |V=2|P|    RC   |   PT=RR=201   |             length            |
       |                     SSRC of packet sender                     |
report |                 SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source)                 |
block  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  1    | fraction lost |       cumulative number of packets lost       |
       |           extended highest sequence number received           |
       |                      interarrival jitter                      |
       |                         last SR (LSR)                         |
       |                   delay since last SR (DLSR)                  |
report |                 SSRC_2 (SSRC of second source)                |
block  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
  2    :                               ...                             :
       |                  profile-specific extensions                  |

4.2.1 丢包率


  • fraction lost,丢包率,发送两次RR包这两次统计间隔之间的丢包率,以小数形式的丢包率*255,乘以255主要是为了降低精度到8位;
  • cumulative number of packets lost,目前时刻的累计丢包数,24位;
  • extended highest sequence number received,目前时刻收到的的最大序列号,32位,低16位为接收端收到的最大序列号,高16位为序列号循环的次数。 接收端统计


StreamStatisticianImpl::OnRtpPacket ->


StreamDataCounters StreamStatisticianImpl::UpdateCounters(
    const RtpPacketReceived& packet) {
  rtc::CritScope cs(&stream_lock_);
  RTC_DCHECK_EQ(ssrc_, packet.Ssrc());
  int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();

  incoming_bitrate_.Update(packet.size(), now_ms);
  receive_counters_.transmitted.AddPacket(packet);  // 更新接收到的包数,用于计算丢包

  int64_t sequence_number =
  if (!ReceivedRtpPacket()) {  // 如果收到第一个RTP包
    received_seq_first_ = sequence_number;
    last_report_seq_max_ = sequence_number - 1;
    receive_counters_.first_packet_time_ms = now_ms;
  } else if (UpdateOutOfOrder(packet, sequence_number, now_ms)) {
    // 判断包是否是乱序的包,如果是乱序的,可能重传的包,如果是重传的包
    // 则更新receive_counters_.transmitted重传包计数器,用于计算丢包
    return receive_counters_;
  // 更新接收到的最大序列号
  received_seq_max_ = sequence_number;

  // 如果收到了一个更新的RTP包并且超过1个包有序,则更新抖动
  if (packet.Timestamp() != last_received_timestamp_ &&
      (receive_counters_.transmitted.packets -
       receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets) > 1) {
    UpdateJitter(packet, now_ms);
  last_received_timestamp_ = packet.Timestamp();
  last_receive_time_ms_ = now_ms;
  return receive_counters_;


StreamStatisticianImpl::GetActiveStatisticsAndReset ->


RtcpStatistics StreamStatisticianImpl::CalculateRtcpStatistics() {
  RtcpStatistics stats;
  // 上个时刻到当前时刻期望接收到的包数 = 当前时刻接收到的最大序列号 - 上个时刻的接收到的最大序列号
  int64_t exp_since_last = received_seq_max_ - last_report_seq_max_;
  RTC_DCHECK_GE(exp_since_last, 0);

  // 上个时刻到当前时刻实际接收到的包数
  // 先计算上个时刻到当前时刻接收到的不包含重传包的包数 = 当前时刻接收到的不包含重传包的包数 - 上个时刻接收到的不包含重传包的包数
  uint32_t rec_since_last = (receive_counters_.transmitted.packets -
                             receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets) -

  // 再计算上个时刻到当前时刻接收到的重传包的包数
  uint32_t retransmitted_packets =
      receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets - last_report_old_packets_;
  // 上个时刻到当前时刻实际接收到的包数 = 上个时刻到当前时刻接收到的不包含重传包的包数 + 上个时刻到当前时刻接收到的重传包的包数
  // 实际结果就是两个时刻的receive_counters_.transmitted.packets相减
  rec_since_last += retransmitted_packets;

  int32_t missing = 0;
  if (exp_since_last > rec_since_last) {
    // 上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包数 = 上个时刻到当前时刻期望接收到的包数 - 上个时刻到当前时刻实际接收到的包数
    missing = (exp_since_last - rec_since_last);
  uint8_t local_fraction_lost = 0;
  if (exp_since_last) {
    // 上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包率 = 上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包数 / 上个时刻到当前时刻期望接收到的包数
    // *255是为了将值限制在(0,255)范围内,降低精度以8位存储
    local_fraction_lost = static_cast<uint8_t>(255 * missing / exp_since_last);
  stats.fraction_lost = local_fraction_lost;

  // 更新并设置累计丢包数
  cumulative_loss_ += missing;
  stats.packets_lost = cumulative_loss_;
  // 设置接收到的最大序列号
  stats.extended_highest_sequence_number =
  // 设置抖动
  stats.jitter = jitter_q4_ >> 4;

  // Store this report.
  last_reported_statistics_ = stats;

  // 保存当前时刻收到的有序包的包数
  last_report_inorder_packets_ = receive_counters_.transmitted.packets -
  // 保存当前时刻收到的重传包的包数
  last_report_old_packets_ = receive_counters_.retransmitted.packets;
  // 保存当前时刻收到的最大序列号
  last_report_seq_max_ = received_seq_max_;
  BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT_WITH_SSRC(1, "cumulative_loss_pkts",
                                  cumulative_loss_, ssrc_);
      1, "received_seq_max_pkts", clock_->TimeInMilliseconds(),
      (received_seq_max_ - received_seq_first_), ssrc_);

  return stats;


  • stats.fraction_lost,发送两次RR包这两次统计间隔之间的丢包率;
  • stats.packets_lost,累计丢包数;
  • stats.extended_highest_sequence_number,目前时刻收到的的最大序列号。

总结:接收端的基本算法就是统计上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包率,总的丢包数,收到过的最大序列号,填入RR包发给发送端。 发送端计算


BitrateControllerImpl::OnReceivedRtcpReceiverReport ->
    SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateReceiverBlock ->

处理RR包中的Report Block,计算上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包率。

BitrateControllerImpl::OnReceivedRtcpReceiverReport:累计音视频等所有流的Report Block的总丢包,计算总的丢包率。

void BitrateControllerImpl::OnReceivedRtcpReceiverReport(
    const ReportBlockList& report_blocks,
    int64_t rtt,
    int64_t now_ms) {
  if (report_blocks.empty())

    rtc::CritScope cs(&critsect_);
    int fraction_lost_aggregate = 0;
    int total_number_of_packets = 0;

    // 遍历所有的Report Block,可能有音频、视频等不同流的Report Block
    for (const RTCPReportBlock& report_block : report_blocks) {
      // 通过SSRC查找到Report Block对应的流
      std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::iterator seq_num_it =

      int number_of_packets = 0;
      if (seq_num_it != ssrc_to_last_received_extended_high_seq_num_.end()) {
        // 跟接收端类似:这里计算的是单个流的,
        // 上个时刻到当前时刻期望的包数 = 当前时刻接的最大序列号 - 上个时刻的到的最大序列号
        number_of_packets =
            report_block.extended_highest_sequence_number - seq_num_it->second;
      // 上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包数 = 上个时刻到当前时刻期望的包数 * 上个时刻到当前时刻的丢包率
      // 注意这里的丢包率还是(0, 255)范围,所有的流的丢包数累加
      fraction_lost_aggregate += number_of_packets * report_block.fraction_lost;
      // 更新上个时刻到当前时刻所有流的总包数
      total_number_of_packets += number_of_packets;

      // 保存当前流当前时刻的最大序列号
      ssrc_to_last_received_extended_high_seq_num_[report_block.source_ssrc] =
    if (total_number_of_packets < 0) {
          << "Received report block where extended high sequence "
             "number goes backwards, ignoring.";
    if (total_number_of_packets == 0)
      fraction_lost_aggregate = 0;  // 容错,如果总包数为0,那么丢包也只能为0
      // 计算所有流总的丢包率 = 所有流总的丢包数 / 所有流总的包数
      // 注意这里的丢包率还是(0, 255)范围
      // 加上total_number_of_packets / 2 是为了向上取整
      fraction_lost_aggregate =
          (fraction_lost_aggregate + total_number_of_packets / 2) /
    if (fraction_lost_aggregate > 255)

    RTC_DCHECK_GE(total_number_of_packets, 0);

    // 更新到带宽估计模块
        fraction_lost_aggregate, TimeDelta::ms(rtt), total_number_of_packets,


void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateReceiverBlock(uint8_t fraction_loss,
                                                      TimeDelta rtt,
                                                      int number_of_packets,
                                                      Timestamp at_time) {
  const int kRoundingConstant = 128;
  // 计算丢包数,向上取整
  int packets_lost = (static_cast<int>(fraction_loss) * number_of_packets +
                      kRoundingConstant) >>
  UpdatePacketsLost(packets_lost, number_of_packets, at_time);
  UpdateRtt(rtt, at_time);


void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdatePacketsLost(int packets_lost,
                                                    int number_of_packets,
                                                    Timestamp at_time) {
  last_loss_feedback_ = at_time;
  if (first_report_time_.IsInfinite())
    first_report_time_ = at_time;

  // Check sequence number diff and weight loss report
  if (number_of_packets > 0) {
    // 累计丢包数
    lost_packets_since_last_loss_update_ += packets_lost;
    // 累计发送端两次统计间隔的总包数,跟接收端的统计间隔可能不一致,接收端以RR包的间隔为统计周期,
    // 发送端在此基础上还需要累计kLimitNumPackets个包,防止包数过少反应过于灵敏
    expected_packets_since_last_loss_update_ += number_of_packets;

    // 如果包数还没有达到20个.
    if (expected_packets_since_last_loss_update_ < kLimitNumPackets)

	// 如果发送端两次统计间隔的包数已经超过20个,可以计算实际的丢包率
    has_decreased_since_last_fraction_loss_ = false;
    // 丢包数 * 256
    int64_t lost_q8 = lost_packets_since_last_loss_update_ << 8;
    // 发送端两次统计间隔的总包数
    int64_t expected = expected_packets_since_last_loss_update_;
    // 丢包率限制在(0,255)
    last_fraction_loss_ = std::min<int>(lost_q8 / expected, 255);

    // 重置发送端的统计计数器.
    lost_packets_since_last_loss_update_ = 0;
    expected_packets_since_last_loss_update_ = 0;
    last_loss_packet_report_ = at_time;

	// 启动发送端带宽估计.
  UpdateUmaStatsPacketsLost(at_time, packets_lost);


接收端通过两个时刻的最大序号之差得到两个时刻之间的期望包数,统计两个时刻之间的实际接收到的包数,计算得到单个流的两个时刻的丢包率(fraction lost),然后将丢包率(fraction lost)、累计丢包(cumulative packet lost)、最大序列号等字段填到RR包的Report Block中发送给发送端。发送端累计RR包中所有流的所有Report Block的丢包,计算总的丢包率。

4.2.2 RTT


rtt = t_rr - t_lsr - t_dlrr


  • t_sr:SR包的发送时间;


  • t_lsr,也就是t_sr;
  • t_dlrr,接收端发送RR包的时间(t_rr_send) - 接收端接收到SR包的时间(t_sr_rcv) = 接收端处理时延;



std::vector<rtcp::ReportBlock> RTCPSender::CreateReportBlocks(
    const FeedbackState& feedback_state) {
  std::vector<rtcp::ReportBlock> result;
  if (!receive_statistics_)
    return result;

  // TODO(danilchap): Support sending more than |RTCP_MAX_REPORT_BLOCKS| per
  // compound rtcp packet when single rtcp module is used for multiple media
  // streams.
  result = receive_statistics_->RtcpReportBlocks(RTCP_MAX_REPORT_BLOCKS);

  if (!result.empty() && ((feedback_state.last_rr_ntp_secs != 0) ||
                          (feedback_state.last_rr_ntp_frac != 0))) {
    // Get our NTP as late as possible to avoid a race.
    uint32_t now = CompactNtp(TimeMicrosToNtp(clock_->TimeInMicroseconds()));

	// last_rr_ntp_secs、last_rr_ntp_frac实际上是RTCPReceiver::HandleSenderReport在处理SR包
	// 的时候获取的,也就是只有流的接收端有效,所以这里其实就是限定了只有RR包会携带有效的lsr、dlrr,
	// TBD:P2P双向流??
    uint32_t receive_time = feedback_state.last_rr_ntp_secs & 0x0000FFFF;
    receive_time <<= 16;
    receive_time += (feedback_state.last_rr_ntp_frac & 0xffff0000) >> 16;
	// 计算dlrr
    uint32_t delay_since_last_sr = now - receive_time;
	// 填充Report Block的lsr、dlrr
    for (auto& report_block : result) {
      report_block.SetLastSr(feedback_state.remote_sr);  // 设置lsr
      report_block.SetDelayLastSr(delay_since_last_sr);  // 设置dlrr
  return result;


void RTCPReceiver::HandleReportBlock(const ReportBlock& report_block,
                                     PacketInformation* packet_information,
                                     uint32_t remote_ssrc) {

  int64_t rtt_ms = 0;
  // 获取t_lsr
  uint32_t send_time_ntp = report_block.last_sr();
  // RFC3550, section 6.4.1, LSR field discription states:
  // If no SR has been received yet, the field is set to zero.
  // Receiver rtp_rtcp module is not expected to calculate rtt using
  // Sender Reports even if it accidentally can.
  // 上面这个注释说明了接收端不通过SR包计算rtt
  if (send_time_ntp != 0) {
    // 获取t_dlrr
    uint32_t delay_ntp = report_block.delay_since_last_sr();
    // 获取t_rr.
    uint32_t receive_time_ntp =

    // RTT in 1/(2^16) seconds.
    // 公式:rtt = t_rr - t_dlrr - t_lsr
    uint32_t rtt_ntp = receive_time_ntp - delay_ntp - send_time_ntp;
    // Convert to 1/1000 seconds (milliseconds).
    rtt_ms = CompactNtpRttToMs(rtt_ntp);
    packet_information->rtt_ms = rtt_ms;


// 收到RR包计算出rtt后更新到SendSideBandwidthEstimation
void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateRtt(TimeDelta rtt, Timestamp at_time) {
  // Update RTT if we were able to compute an RTT based on this RTCP.
  // FlexFEC doesn't send RTCP SR, which means we won't be able to compute RTT.
  if (rtt > TimeDelta::Zero())
    last_round_trip_time_ = rtt;  // 保存最近的rtt

  if (!IsInStartPhase(at_time) && uma_rtt_state_ == kNoUpdate) {
    uma_rtt_state_ = kDone;
    RTC_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("WebRTC.BWE.InitialRtt", rtt.ms<int>(), 0, 2000, 50);

另外,上面展示的是发送端通过SR、RR包计算rtt的过程,接收端实际上也需要rtt,在接收端的带宽估计、NACK等模块都需要rtt,目前默认是写死的100ms或者200ms,并不能直接通过SR、RR包获取到rtt,如果有需要更新rtt的话,需要借助RFC3611的XR包的两个跟SR、RR包类似的Report Block来处理:

处理过程跟通过SR、RR包计算rtt的过程基本相同,但是方向相反,也就是接收端发送带发送时间戳的XR(Receiver Reference Time Report Block),发送端回复带处理时延的XR(DLRR Report Block),接收端收到后可以使用相同的方法计算rtt。

4.4 带宽调整算法


4.4.1 初始化带宽 - SendSideBandwidthEstimation::SetBitrates


void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::SetBitrates(
    absl::optional<DataRate> send_bitrate,
    DataRate min_bitrate,
    DataRate max_bitrate,
    Timestamp at_time) {
  // 设置码率上、下限
  SetMinMaxBitrate(min_bitrate, max_bitrate);
  if (send_bitrate) {
    // 设置初始码率 
    SetSendBitrate(*send_bitrate, at_time);

4.4.2 接收端带宽REMB - SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateReceiverEstimate


void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateReceiverEstimate(Timestamp at_time,
                                                         DataRate bandwidth) {
  // 保存接收端发过来的REMB包中的带宽值
  bwe_incoming_ = bandwidth;
  // 限制在阈值范围内,会更新当前的预估码率.
  CapBitrateToThresholds(at_time, current_bitrate_);

4.4.3 核心调整逻辑 - SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateEstimate

void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::UpdateEstimate(Timestamp at_time) {
  DataRate new_bitrate = current_bitrate_;  // 当前的预估带宽为基准
  // 如果没有收到过RR包的丢包统计,并且在开始的2秒内,使用REMB包的接收端预估带宽
  if (last_fraction_loss_ == 0 && IsInStartPhase(at_time)) {
  	// 先相信REMB包的预估带宽
    new_bitrate = std::max(bwe_incoming_, new_bitrate);
    // TCC,忽略
    new_bitrate = std::max(delay_based_bitrate_, new_bitrate);
    // 默认不使能
    if (loss_based_bandwidth_estimation_.Enabled()) {
	// 如果更新了预估码率
    if (new_bitrate != current_bitrate_) {
      // 清除历史最小码率表
      if (loss_based_bandwidth_estimation_.Enabled()) {
        // 默认不使能
        min_bitrate_history_.push_back(std::make_pair(at_time, new_bitrate));
      } else {
      	// 保存当前的预估带宽到历史最小码率表,只有1个元素
            std::make_pair(at_time, current_bitrate_));
      // 限制到阈值
      CapBitrateToThresholds(at_time, new_bitrate);
      return;  // 开始的2秒就以REMB包为准,如果还没有REMB包、RR包,那还是初始带宽。
  // 更新最小码率表,去掉过期的元素(超过1s),并删除掉所有比当前码率current_bitrate_大的元素,current_bitrate_保存在表尾.
  // 所以历史最小码率表就是这样一张表:保存1s内的码率,有序,表尾最大值是最后一次预估的码率.
  // 如果还没有上报过一次丢包率(可能没有RR包,或者有RR包了,但是累计包数未满20),那么可以退出.
  if (last_loss_packet_report_.IsInfinite()) {
    // No feedback received.
    CapBitrateToThresholds(at_time, current_bitrate_);
  // 默认不使能
  if (loss_based_bandwidth_estimation_.Enabled()) {
        at_time, min_bitrate_history_.front().second, last_round_trip_time_);
    new_bitrate = MaybeRampupOrBackoff(new_bitrate, at_time);
    CapBitrateToThresholds(at_time, new_bitrate);
  // time_since_loss_packet_report为当前距上次上报丢包率的时间
  TimeDelta time_since_loss_packet_report = at_time - last_loss_packet_report_;
  // time_since_loss_feedback为当前距收到上个RR包的时间,在不满20个包时不等于time_since_loss_packet_report
  TimeDelta time_since_loss_feedback = at_time - last_loss_feedback_;
  // 如果当前距上次上报丢包率的时间小于1.2 * 5 = 6s
  if (time_since_loss_packet_report < 1.2 * kMaxRtcpFeedbackInterval) {
    // 计算小数形式的丢包率
    float loss = last_fraction_loss_ / 256.0f;
    // 默认bitrate_threshold_为0, 所以这里就是只判断丢包率是否低于"低丢包阈值"low_loss_threshold_
    if (current_bitrate_ < bitrate_threshold_ || loss <= low_loss_threshold_) {
      // Loss < 2%: Increase rate by 8% of the min bitrate in the last
      // kBweIncreaseInterval.
      // Note that by remembering the bitrate over the last second one can
      // rampup up one second faster than if only allowed to start ramping
      // at 8% per second rate now. E.g.:
      //   If sending a constant 100kbps it can rampup immediately to 108kbps
      //   whenever a receiver report is received with lower packet loss.
      //   If instead one would do: current_bitrate_ *= 1.08^(delta time),
      //   it would take over one second since the lower packet loss to achieve
      //   108kbps.
      // 在丢包率低于2%的时候,认为网络很好,取到历史最小码率表的最小值并增加8%,
      // 如果之前没有过调低的情况,则当前历史最小码率表的最小值就是上1秒的最大值,
      // 也就是1秒前的码率,也就是说1秒增加8%的码率。
      // 实际上这个增加速度并不快,预估带宽想要快速上升到实际水平需要接收端REMB
      // 包的通知,可以直接更新预估码率.
      new_bitrate =
          DataRate::bps(min_bitrate_history_.front().second.bps() * 1.08 + 0.5);

      // Add 1 kbps extra, just to make sure that we do not get stuck
      // (gives a little extra increase at low rates, negligible at higher
      // rates).
      new_bitrate += DataRate::bps(1000);
    } else if (current_bitrate_ > bitrate_threshold_) {  // 默认bitrate_threshold_为0
      if (loss <= high_loss_threshold_) {
        // Loss between 2% - 10%: Do nothing.
        // 丢包率在(2%, 10%)的区间内处于稳定状态,不进行调整.
      } else {
        // Loss > 10%: Limit the rate decreases to once a kBweDecreaseInterval
        // + rtt.
        // 丢包率超过10%
        if (!has_decreased_since_last_fraction_loss_ &&  // 如果自上次上报丢包以来,没有降低过码率
            (at_time - time_last_decrease_) >=			 // 如果距上次降低码率已经过去了rtt + 300ms的时间
                (kBweDecreaseInterval + last_round_trip_time_)) {
          time_last_decrease_ = at_time;			    // 记录降低码率的时间

          // Reduce rate:
          //   newRate = rate * (1 - 0.5*lossRate);
          //   where packetLoss = 256*lossRate;
          // 降低的幅度为50%的丢包率
          new_bitrate =
              DataRate::bps((current_bitrate_.bps() *
                             static_cast<double>(512 - last_fraction_loss_)) /
		  // 置位这个标记,直到下次上报丢包的时候再次清除,
		  // 也就是两个限制,一个是需要上报丢包,这个需要两个RR的时间间隔,1个控制降速的时间间隔在rtt + 300ms,
		  // 在丢包比较严重的时候以这个策略为主降低码率,如果抖动比较厉害则以REMB为主降低码率.
          has_decreased_since_last_fraction_loss_ = true;
  } else if (time_since_loss_feedback >  // 如果6秒没有上报丢包,并且15秒没有收到RR包
                 kFeedbackTimeoutIntervals * kMaxRtcpFeedbackInterval &&
             (last_timeout_.IsInfinite() ||
              at_time - last_timeout_ > kTimeoutInterval)) {  // 控制调整频率为1秒
    // 实际上这个逻辑默认情况下不会执行,主要是为了在长时间没有反馈包的情况下,
    // 按照20%的幅度降低码率,但是in_timeout_experiment_默认是false.
    if (in_timeout_experiment_) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Feedback timed out ("
                          << ToString(time_since_loss_feedback)
                          << "), reducing bitrate.";
      new_bitrate = new_bitrate * 0.8;
      // Reset accumulators since we've already acted on missing feedback and
      // shouldn't to act again on these old lost packets.
      lost_packets_since_last_loss_update_ = 0;
      expected_packets_since_last_loss_update_ = 0;
      last_timeout_ = at_time;
  // 限制最终预估带宽在阈值之内
  CapBitrateToThresholds(at_time, new_bitrate);

4.4.4 阈值限制 - SendSideBandwidthEstimation::CapBitrateToThresholds

void SendSideBandwidthEstimation::CapBitrateToThresholds(Timestamp at_time,
                                                         DataRate bitrate) {
  if (bwe_incoming_ > DataRate::Zero() && bitrate > bwe_incoming_) {
    // 如果输入预估带宽大于REMB包通知的接收端预估带宽,则以REMB包接收端预估带宽为准. 
    bitrate = bwe_incoming_;
  // TCC,忽略
  if (delay_based_bitrate_ > DataRate::Zero() &&
      bitrate > delay_based_bitrate_) {
    bitrate = delay_based_bitrate_;
  // 默认不使能
  if (loss_based_bandwidth_estimation_.Enabled() &&
      loss_based_bandwidth_estimation_.GetEstimate() > DataRate::Zero()) {
    bitrate = std::min(bitrate, loss_based_bandwidth_estimation_.GetEstimate());
  // 限制最大值
  if (bitrate > max_bitrate_configured_) {
    bitrate = max_bitrate_configured_;
  // 限制最小值
  if (bitrate < min_bitrate_configured_) {
    if (last_low_bitrate_log_.IsInfinite() ||
        at_time - last_low_bitrate_log_ > kLowBitrateLogPeriod) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_WARNING) << "Estimated available bandwidth "
                          << ToString(bitrate)
                          << " is below configured min bitrate "
                          << ToString(min_bitrate_configured_) << ".";
      last_low_bitrate_log_ = at_time;
    bitrate = min_bitrate_configured_;
  // 日志
  if (bitrate != current_bitrate_ ||
      last_fraction_loss_ != last_logged_fraction_loss_ ||
      at_time - last_rtc_event_log_ > kRtcEventLogPeriod) {
        bitrate.bps(), last_fraction_loss_,
    last_logged_fraction_loss_ = last_fraction_loss_;
    last_rtc_event_log_ = at_time;
  // 更新当前预估码率
  current_bitrate_ = bitrate;
  //RTC_LOG(INFO) << "CapBitrateToThresholds: " << current_bitrate_.bps();

  if (acknowledged_rate_) {
    link_capacity_.OnRateUpdate(std::min(current_bitrate_, *acknowledged_rate_),

4.5 发送端带宽调整算法总结

  • 初始默认300k的带宽,并可以设置上下限;
  • 如果收到REMB包,立刻以REMB包中的带宽为准更新预估带宽;
  • 如果丢包率 < 2%,则以当前历史最小码率表的最小值也就是上一秒的码率为基准,增长8%;
  • 如果丢包率在(2%, 10%)范围,则保持;
  • 如果丢包率大于10%,则以rtt + 300ms为频率,每次降低丢包率 * 50%的带宽。

5 接收端


  • RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime:基于abs-send-time的接收端带宽估计,默认方式,本文只描述该方式;
  • RemoteBitrateEstimatorSingleStream:基于RTP时间戳的接收端带宽估计;
  • InterArrival:到达时间滤波器,计算包簇(帧)之间的时间差;
  • OveruseEstimator:卡尔曼滤波器,用于估算网络延迟变化(拥塞)的最优值;
  • OveruseDetector:过载检测器,检测链路是否过载;
  • RateStatistics:输入码率统计;
  • AimdRateControl:加增乘减码率控制器。

5.1 基本流程



如上图所示,RTP包进入InterArrival(到达时间滤波器)后,InterArrival会缓存最近的两个5ms的包簇(TimestampGroup、或者叫帧),当缓存够两个包簇后,计算这两个包簇之间的发送时间差、到达时间差、尺寸差,输出给OveruseEstimator(卡尔曼滤波器),在没有网络拥塞的情况下,网络拥塞值 = 到达时间差 - 发送时间差 = 0,如果网络拥塞值 > 0,则可能是因为网络噪声造成了拥塞,或者数据尺寸变化造成了网络排队,如果网络拥塞值 < 0,则网络拥塞情况在好转,所以OveruseEstimator(卡尔曼滤波器)就以InterArrival的网络拥塞值、数据尺寸差为观测值,结合预测值进行拟合估算,计算出网络拥塞值的最优值,输出给OveruseDetector(过载检测器),OveruseDetector根据拥塞值(或者叫延迟变化值、抖动)来判断当前网络是否处于拥塞状态,将拥塞状态反馈到OveruseDetector并输出给AimdRateControl(加增乘减码率控制器),AimdRateControl使用输入码率和网络拥塞状态根据“加增乘减”原则来调整接收端当前的预估码率。

5.2 到达时间滤波器 - InterArrival

在不考虑NTP时间同步问题的情况下,一个数据在网络上的传输时间t = 数据到达时间tr - 数据发送时间ts,如果网络没有拥塞,同样的数据在相同的链路下的传输时间基本是不会变化的。如果传输时间变化,可能有以下两个原因:

  • 网络波动、噪声;
  • 数据大小变化,排队情况变化。

两个相同数据之间传输时间的差异(到达时间间隔增量)可以被定义为拥塞值:t_ts_delta = t2 - t1 = (tr2 - ts2) - (tr1 - ts1) = (tr2 - tr1) - (ts2 - ts1) = t_delta - ts_delta
也就是说拥塞值等于两个相同数据的到达时间差 - 发送时间差,经过这样的变换后NTP同步问题被解决。

  • 数据处理的频率;
  • 突发数据的处理;
  • 数据大小变化的影响。



  struct TimestampGroup {
    size_t size;  // 总大小
    uint32_t first_timestamp;  // 第1个包的发送时间戳
    uint32_t timestamp;  // 最新包的发送时间戳作为包簇时间戳
    int64_t first_arrival_ms;  // 第1个包的接收时间
    int64_t complete_time_ms;  // 最新包的接收时间作为包簇接收时间
    int64_t last_system_time_ms;  // 最新包的当前处理时间


bool InterArrival::ComputeDeltas(uint32_t timestamp,				// 输入,时间戳(abs-send-time或者RTP时间戳)
                                 int64_t arrival_time_ms,			// 输入,RTP包接收时间
                                 int64_t system_time_ms,			// 输入,RTP包当前处理时间
                                 size_t packet_size,				// 输入,RTP包大小
                                 uint32_t* timestamp_delta,			// 输出,发送时间差
                                 int64_t* arrival_time_delta_ms,	// 输出,接收时间差
                                 int* packet_size_delta) {			// 输出,尺寸差
  assert(timestamp_delta != NULL);
  assert(arrival_time_delta_ms != NULL);
  assert(packet_size_delta != NULL);
  bool calculated_deltas = false;
  // 如果是第一个包
  if (current_timestamp_group_.IsFirstPacket()) {
    // We don't have enough data to update the filter, so we store it until we
    // have two frames of data to process.
    current_timestamp_group_.timestamp = timestamp;  // 第一个包时间戳作为包簇时间戳
    current_timestamp_group_.first_timestamp = timestamp;  // 第一个包时间戳
    current_timestamp_group_.first_arrival_ms = arrival_time_ms;  // 第一个包到达时间
  } else if (!PacketInOrder(timestamp)) {  // 如果包乱序了,根据时间戳来大致估算
    return false;  // 本次计算失败
  } else if (NewTimestampGroup(arrival_time_ms, timestamp)) {  // 如果1个包簇满了,要创建新的包簇
    // First packet of a later frame, the previous frame sample is ready.
    // 如果有上个包簇
    if (prev_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms >= 0) {
      // 发送时间差 = 当前包簇发送时间戳 - 上个包簇发送时间戳
      *timestamp_delta =
          current_timestamp_group_.timestamp - prev_timestamp_group_.timestamp;
      // 接收时间差 - 当前包簇接收时间 - 上个包簇接收时间
      *arrival_time_delta_ms = current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms -
      // Check system time differences to see if we have an unproportional jump
      // in arrival time. In that case reset the inter-arrival computations.
      // 检查接收时间和处理时间是否有过大偏差(3s),容错
      int64_t system_time_delta_ms =
          current_timestamp_group_.last_system_time_ms -
      if (*arrival_time_delta_ms - system_time_delta_ms >=
          kArrivalTimeOffsetThresholdMs) {
            << "The arrival time clock offset has changed (diff = "
            << *arrival_time_delta_ms - system_time_delta_ms
            << " ms), resetting.";
        Reset();  // 重置
        return false;
      // 从Socket上报的数据先发后至?乱序?
      if (*arrival_time_delta_ms < 0) {
        // The group of packets has been reordered since receiving its local
        // arrival timestamp.
        if (num_consecutive_reordered_packets_ >= kReorderedResetThreshold) {
              << "Packets are being reordered on the path from the "
                 "socket to the bandwidth estimator. Ignoring this "
                 "packet for bandwidth estimation, resetting.";
        return false;
      } else {
        num_consecutive_reordered_packets_ = 0;
      assert(*arrival_time_delta_ms >= 0);
      // 尺寸差 = 当前包簇尺寸 - 上个包簇尺寸
      *packet_size_delta = static_cast<int>(current_timestamp_group_.size) -
     // 本次计算成功
      calculated_deltas = true;

	// 当前的包簇改为上个包簇
    prev_timestamp_group_ = current_timestamp_group_;
    // The new timestamp is now the current frame.
    // 重置当前包簇,记录当前包簇的第一个包的时间戳
    current_timestamp_group_.first_timestamp = timestamp;  // 第一个包发送时间戳
    current_timestamp_group_.timestamp = timestamp;  // 当前包簇发送时间戳
    current_timestamp_group_.first_arrival_ms = arrival_time_ms;  // 第一个包到达时间
    current_timestamp_group_.size = 0;  // 当前包簇尺寸清零
  } else {
  	// 如果不满1个包簇,设置当前包簇时间戳为较新的时间戳
    current_timestamp_group_.timestamp =
        LatestTimestamp(current_timestamp_group_.timestamp, timestamp);
  // Accumulate the frame size.
  // 累计当前包簇大小
  current_timestamp_group_.size += packet_size;
  // 更新当前包簇的接收时间为最新包接收时间
  current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms = arrival_time_ms;
  // 更新当前包簇的最新包处理时间
  current_timestamp_group_.last_system_time_ms = system_time_ms;

  return calculated_deltas;


bool InterArrival::NewTimestampGroup(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
                                     uint32_t timestamp) const {
  if (current_timestamp_group_.IsFirstPacket()) {  // 第一个包
    return false;  // 不创建新包簇
  } else if (BelongsToBurst(arrival_time_ms, timestamp)) {  // 突发,不创建新包簇
    return false;
  } else {
    // 当前时间戳 - 当前包簇的第一个包时间戳 = 当前包簇总时长,是否大于kTimestampGroupLengthTicks个时间戳单位(90 * 5,也就是5ms)
    uint32_t timestamp_diff =
        timestamp - current_timestamp_group_.first_timestamp;
    return timestamp_diff > kTimestampGroupLengthTicks;


bool InterArrival::BelongsToBurst(int64_t arrival_time_ms,
                                  uint32_t timestamp) const {
  // 默认使能
  if (!burst_grouping_) {
    return false;
  assert(current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms >= 0);
  // 当前包距当前包簇最后1个包的接收时间差
  int64_t arrival_time_delta_ms =
      arrival_time_ms - current_timestamp_group_.complete_time_ms;
  // 当前包距当前包簇最后1个包的发送时间差
  uint32_t timestamp_diff = timestamp - current_timestamp_group_.timestamp;
  // 发送时间差换算成ms
  int64_t ts_delta_ms = timestamp_to_ms_coeff_ * timestamp_diff + 0.5;
  // 时间戳几乎一致,是突发
  if (ts_delta_ms == 0)
    return true;
  // 传输时延 = 接收时间差 - 发送时间差
  int propagation_delta_ms = arrival_time_delta_ms - ts_delta_ms;
  if (propagation_delta_ms < 0 &&  // 如果传输时延 < 0
      arrival_time_delta_ms <= kBurstDeltaThresholdMs &&  // 如果接收时间差 < 5ms
      arrival_time_ms - current_timestamp_group_.first_arrival_ms <
          kMaxBurstDurationMs)  // 如果当前包簇还不满100ms
    return true;  // 满足这些条件为突发
  return false;

5.3 过载估计器 - OveruseEstimator


具体到WebRTC,输入值为两个包簇的发送时间差、接收时间差之差(字面意思为到达间隔增量):t_ts_delta = t_delta - ts_delta,以及两个包簇的尺寸差、链路拥塞情况,输出为最优的到达间隔增量(或者称为拥塞值、延迟变化)。


5.4 过载检测器 - OveruseDetector


BandwidthUsage OveruseDetector::Detect(double offset,		// 链路延迟变化(到达时间间隔增量)
                                       double ts_delta,		// 两个包簇发送时间差
                                       int num_of_deltas,	// 估算使用的采样数
                                       int64_t now_ms) {	// 当前时间
  if (num_of_deltas < 2) {
    return BandwidthUsage::kBwNormal;
  // 最多kMaxNumDeltas = 60个采样,计算总的网络拥塞值 = 采样数 * 单个采样的到达时间间隔增量
  const double T = std::min(num_of_deltas, kMaxNumDeltas) * offset;
  BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT(1, "T", now_ms, T);
  BWE_TEST_LOGGING_PLOT(1, "threshold", now_ms, threshold_);
  // 如果网络拥塞值超过阈值,拥塞在加剧
  if (T > threshold_) {
    if (time_over_using_ == -1) {
      // Initialize the timer. Assume that we've been
      // over-using half of the time since the previous
      // sample.
      // 刚开始过载,过载时间设置为两个包簇的发送时间差/2
      time_over_using_ = ts_delta / 2;
    } else {
      // Increment timer
      // 持续过载,增加过载时间
      time_over_using_ += ts_delta;
    //  过载计数++
    // 如果过载时间超过100ms,并且发生了持续的过载
    if (time_over_using_ > overusing_time_threshold_ && overuse_counter_ > 1) {
      // 如果到达间隔变大了,也就是数据来的越来越慢
      if (offset >= prev_offset_) {
        time_over_using_ = 0;
        overuse_counter_ = 0;
        // 设置为过载状态
        hypothesis_ = BandwidthUsage::kBwOverusing;
  } else if (T < -threshold_) {  // 如果拥塞值 < 负的阈值,网络处于欠载状态,数据来的越来越快
    time_over_using_ = -1;
    overuse_counter_ = 0;
    // 设置为欠载状态
    hypothesis_ = BandwidthUsage::kBwUnderusing;
  } else {
    time_over_using_ = -1;
    overuse_counter_ = 0;
    // 设置为正常状态
    hypothesis_ = BandwidthUsage::kBwNormal;
  // 保存当前的到达间隔增量
  prev_offset_ = offset;

  // 更新阈值
  UpdateThreshold(T, now_ms);

  return hypothesis_;


void OveruseDetector::UpdateThreshold(double modified_offset, int64_t now_ms) {
  if (!in_experiment_)

  if (last_update_ms_ == -1)
    last_update_ms_ = now_ms;

  // 如果拥塞值超过阈值15ms,认为是波动了一个毛刺,不处理
  if (fabs(modified_offset) > threshold_ + kMaxAdaptOffsetMs) {
    // Avoid adapting the threshold to big latency spikes, caused e.g.,
    // by a sudden capacity drop.
    last_update_ms_ = now_ms;

  // k_down_ = 0.039, k_up_ = 0.0087,这里是为了不拥塞时快速降低阈值,拥塞时缓慢增加阈值
  const double k = fabs(modified_offset) < threshold_ ? k_down_ : k_up_;
  const int64_t kMaxTimeDeltaMs = 100;
  // 阈值变化量与时间成正比,最大100ms
  int64_t time_delta_ms = std::min(now_ms - last_update_ms_, kMaxTimeDeltaMs);
  // 根据当前拥塞变化的情况、时间差来调整阈值,也就是说如果拥塞情况modified_offset不变,那么阈值不变,
  // 如果拥塞情况变大,间隔时间越长,阈值变得越大,如果拥塞情况变小,阈值会更迅速变小。
  // 阈值变大,有利于保持住状态,避免迅速恶化,阈值变小,有利于更灵敏的感知链路状态的变化。
  threshold_ += k * (fabs(modified_offset) - threshold_) * time_delta_ms;
  // 阈值限制在(6,600)范围内
  threshold_ = rtc::SafeClamp(threshold_, 6.f, 600.f);
  last_update_ms_ = now_ms;


5.5 加增乘减码率控制 - AimdRateControl


  • kRcHold:保持码率不动;
  • kRcIncrease:增加码率,如果当前码率接近链路容积,则“加性”慢速增加码率,否则需要“乘性”快速增加码率;
  • kRcDecrease:降低码率,按照一定的比例"乘性"降低码率。


  • kBwNormal:正常;
  • kBwOverusing:过载;
  • kBwUnderusing:欠载。


DataRate AimdRateControl::Update(const RateControlInput* input,  // Input主要包含输入码率和链路拥塞状态
                                 Timestamp at_time) {

  // 初始带宽在RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime中使用Cluster、Probe等对象来探测,Probe是一个超过200字节的包,
  // 包簇Cluster是5ms范围内Probe的集合,使用Cluster的集合来预估初始带宽(调用AimdRateControl::SetEstimate设置),
  // 这里是为了保证如果5秒之后还没有通过包簇探测到初始带宽的情况下,使用输入的码率来设置初始带宽。
  if (!bitrate_is_initialized_) {  // 如果码率未初始化
    const TimeDelta kInitializationTime = TimeDelta::seconds(5);
    RTC_DCHECK_LE(kBitrateWindowMs, kInitializationTime.ms());
    if (time_first_throughput_estimate_.IsInfinite()) {  // 如果这个第一个数据
      if (input->estimated_throughput)  // 如果有输入码率
        time_first_throughput_estimate_ = at_time;  // 设置第一个数据时间
    } else if (at_time - time_first_throughput_estimate_ >  
                   kInitializationTime &&   // 如果距离第一个数据已经过去了5秒还初始化过带宽
               input->estimated_throughput) {
      current_bitrate_ = *input->estimated_throughput;  // 使用5秒后的输入码率来初始化带宽
      bitrate_is_initialized_ = true;

  current_bitrate_ = ChangeBitrate(current_bitrate_, *input, at_time);  // 修改码率
  return current_bitrate_;  // 返回修改后的码率


DataRate AimdRateControl::ChangeBitrate(DataRate new_bitrate,			// 当前预估码率
                                        const RateControlInput& input,	// 输入码率
                                        Timestamp at_time) {			// 当前时间
  DataRate estimated_throughput =
      input.estimated_throughput.value_or(latest_estimated_throughput_);  // 输入码率
  if (input.estimated_throughput)
    latest_estimated_throughput_ = *input.estimated_throughput;  // 最后一个数据的时间

  // An over-use should always trigger us to reduce the bitrate, even though
  // we have not yet established our first estimate. By acting on the over-use,
  // we will end up with a valid estimate.
  // 如果码率没有初始化,并且未在过载状态,那么就返回当前默认的初始码率(30M).
  if (!bitrate_is_initialized_ &&
      input.bw_state != BandwidthUsage::kBwOverusing)
    return current_bitrate_;

  // 改变码率控制状态,参考上面的状态转换图.
  ChangeState(input, at_time);

  // 判断当前的码率控制状态
  switch (rate_control_state_) {
    case kRcHold:  // 保持状态

    case kRcIncrease:  // 增加码率
      // 如果输入码率大大超过了链路容积,链路容积已经不准确,需要重新估计,
      // 链路容积就是过载状态下的输入码率的平滑均值(历史值 * 95% + 采样值 * 5%)
      if (estimated_throughput > link_capacity_.UpperBound())

	  // 如果链路容积没有被重置,说明目标码率跟链路容积接近,可以“加性”缓慢增加
      if (link_capacity_.has_estimate()) {
        // The link_capacity estimate is reset if the measured throughput
        // is too far from the estimate. We can therefore assume that our target
        // rate is reasonably close to link capacity and use additive increase.
        // 计算"加性"增加的增量:按照目前码率每秒增加1个包产生的带宽
        DataRate additive_increase =
            AdditiveRateIncrease(at_time, time_last_bitrate_change_);  
        // "加性"增加预估码率
        new_bitrate += additive_increase;
      } else {
        // If we don't have an estimate of the link capacity, use faster ramp up
        // to discover the capacity.
        // 如果没有获得链路容积,那么"乘性"快速增加,最大8%的增量
        DataRate multiplicative_increase = MultiplicativeRateIncrease(
            at_time, time_last_bitrate_change_, new_bitrate);
        new_bitrate += multiplicative_increase;

      time_last_bitrate_change_ = at_time;

    case kRcDecrease:  // 降低码率
      // Set bit rate to something slightly lower than the measured throughput
      // to get rid of any self-induced delay.
      // 输入码率的85%
      new_bitrate = estimated_throughput * beta_;
      // 如果输入码率的85%仍然大于当前预估码率
      if (new_bitrate > current_bitrate_) {
        // Avoid increasing the rate when over-using.
        // 如果链路容积有效,则考虑一下链路容积
        if (link_capacity_.has_estimate()) {
          // 设置为链路容积的85%
          new_bitrate = beta_ * link_capacity_.estimate();
        // 计算当前预估码率和85%链路容积的最小值
        new_bitrate = std::min(new_bitrate, current_bitrate_);

      // 如果有初始码率,并且当前输入码率小于当前预估码率
      if (bitrate_is_initialized_ && estimated_throughput < current_bitrate_) {
        constexpr double kDegradationFactor = 0.9;
        if (smoothing_experiment_ &&  // smoothing_experiment_默认false
            new_bitrate < kDegradationFactor * beta_ * current_bitrate_) {
          // If bitrate decreases more than a normal back off after overuse, it
          // indicates a real network degradation. We do not let such a decrease
          // to determine the bandwidth estimation period.
          last_decrease_ = absl::nullopt;
        } else {
          last_decrease_ = current_bitrate_ - new_bitrate;  // 保存最后一次降低的码率
      // 如果输入码率远小于链路容积,重置链路容积,重新计算.
      if (estimated_throughput < link_capacity_.LowerBound()) {
        // The current throughput is far from the estimated link capacity. Clear
        // the estimate to allow an immediate update in OnOveruseDetected.

	  // 这个时候码率肯定初始化了
      bitrate_is_initialized_ = true;
      // 给链路容积估算器1个采样:当前的输入码率
      // Stay on hold until the pipes are cleared.
      // 码率控制状态先进入保持
      rate_control_state_ = kRcHold;
      time_last_bitrate_change_ = at_time;
      time_last_bitrate_decrease_ = at_time;

  return ClampBitrate(new_bitrate, estimated_throughput);  // 阈值限制


DataRate AimdRateControl::AdditiveRateIncrease(Timestamp at_time,				// 当前时间
                                               Timestamp last_time) const {		// 上次修改的时间
  double time_period_seconds = (at_time - last_time).seconds<double>();			// 距离上次修改的时间间隔    				     
  // 这段时间应该总共增加多少带宽 = 在当前码率下每秒增加1个包需要的带宽 * 距离上次修改的时间间隔
  double data_rate_increase_bps =
      GetNearMaxIncreaseRateBpsPerSecond() * time_period_seconds;
  return DataRate::bps(data_rate_increase_bps);


double AimdRateControl::GetNearMaxIncreaseRateBpsPerSecond() const {
  // 这一通操作实际上就是设置1个包的大小,最大设置为1200字节,如果帧大小小于1200字节,
  // 则平均每个包大小就是帧的大小.
  // 按照30帧计算帧间隔
  const TimeDelta kFrameInterval = TimeDelta::seconds(1) / 30;
  // 根据当前预估码率和帧间隔计算帧大小
  DataSize frame_size = current_bitrate_ * kFrameInterval;
  // 默认包大小
  const DataSize kPacketSize = DataSize::bytes(1200);
  // 每帧包数向上取整
  double packets_per_frame = std::ceil(frame_size / kPacketSize);
  // 实际的平均包大小,如果帧小于1200字节,则平均每个包大小就是帧的大小,否则包大小最大1200字节。
  DataSize avg_packet_size = frame_size / packets_per_frame;

  // Approximate the over-use estimator delay to 100 ms.
  // 假设用response_time = f(rtt_)去传输一个avg_packet_size的包会产生多大的带宽呢?
  TimeDelta response_time = rtt_ + TimeDelta::ms(100);
  if (in_experiment_)
    response_time = response_time * 2;  // 控制下增量
  // 带宽 = 尺寸 / 时间
  double increase_rate_bps_per_second =
      (avg_packet_size / response_time).bps<double>();
  // 增量至少4K
  double kMinIncreaseRateBpsPerSecond = 4000;
  return std::max(kMinIncreaseRateBpsPerSecond, increase_rate_bps_per_second);


DataRate AimdRateControl::MultiplicativeRateIncrease(
    Timestamp at_time,					// 当前时间
    Timestamp last_time,				// 上次修改码率时间
    DataRate current_bitrate) const {	// 当前预估码率
  double alpha = 1.08;
  if (last_time.IsFinite()) {
    // 距离上次修改的时间
    auto time_since_last_update = at_time - last_time;
    // 线性增量随时间变化,距上次修改时间越大增量越大,控制在(1, 1.08)之间,
    alpha = pow(alpha, std::min(time_since_last_update.seconds<double>(), 1.0));
  // 计算线性增量
  DataRate multiplicative_increase =
      std::max(current_bitrate * (alpha - 1.0), DataRate::bps(1000));
  return multiplicative_increase;


DataRate AimdRateControl::ClampBitrate(DataRate new_bitrate,
                                       DataRate estimated_throughput) const {
  // Don't change the bit rate if the send side is too far off.
  // We allow a bit more lag at very low rates to not too easily get stuck if
  // the encoder produces uneven outputs.
  // 最大码率设置为1.5倍的输入码率
  const DataRate max_bitrate = 1.5 * estimated_throughput + DataRate::kbps(10);
  // 如果最新预估的码率超过之前预估的码率并且超过1.5倍的输入码率
  if (new_bitrate > current_bitrate_ && new_bitrate > max_bitrate) {
    // 最新预估的码率将被设置成之前预估的码率、1.5倍的输入码率中的最大值
    new_bitrate = std::max(current_bitrate_, max_bitrate);
  // 限制最小值,可配置.
  new_bitrate = std::max(new_bitrate, min_configured_bitrate_);
  return new_bitrate;


5.6 码率预估 - RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime


  • InterArrival:到达时间滤波器,计算包簇(帧)之间的时间差;
  • OveruseEstimator:卡尔曼滤波器,用于估算网络延迟变化(拥塞)的最优值;
  • OveruseDetector:过载检测器,检测链路是否过载;
  • RateStatistics:输入码率统计;
  • AimdRateControl:加增乘减码率控制器。

5.6.1 abs-send-time时间戳转换


enum {
  kTimestampGroupLengthMs = 5,  // 1个包簇的时间长度为5ms
  kAbsSendTimeFraction = 18,	// abs-send-time的小数部分用18位存放,单位(精度)为1/2^18秒,大约3.8us
  kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift = 8,  // abs-send-time的时间戳左移8位(凑满32位),
  kInterArrivalShift = kAbsSendTimeFraction + kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift,  // 1个时间戳的单位为1/2^26秒
  kInitialProbingIntervalMs = 2000,  // 使用包簇探测初始带宽的时间
  kMinClusterSize = 4,  // 一个有效包簇(Cluster)里包含的最小探测包(Probe)数
  kMaxProbePackets = 15,  // 总的最大探测包(Probe)数
  kExpectedNumberOfProbes = 3

// 1个时间戳对应的ms,见下面分析
static const double kTimestampToMs =
    1000.0 / static_cast<double>(1 << kInterArrivalShift);

abs-send-time是6.18固定24位浮点数,高6位单位为秒(最大26=64s),低18位单位为1/218秒(约3.8us),左移8位得到32位时间戳,也就是乘以256,那么原本1 / 218秒的精度换成时间戳后精度变成了1/218+8=1/226秒=1000/226毫秒,这个是到达时间滤波器需要的数据类型。

5.6.2 包处理核心逻辑 - RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IncomingPacketInfo

void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IncomingPacketInfo(
    int64_t arrival_time_ms,		// 到达时间
    uint32_t send_time_24bits,		// 发送时间戳,必须是abs-send-time
    size_t payload_size,			// 包大小
    uint32_t ssrc) {				// SSRC
  RTC_CHECK(send_time_24bits < (1ul << 24));
  if (!uma_recorded_) {
    RTC_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(kBweTypeHistogram, BweNames::kReceiverAbsSendTime,
    uma_recorded_ = true;
  // Shift up send time to use the full 32 bits that inter_arrival works with,
  // so wrapping works properly.
  // abs-send-time转时间戳,左移8位成32位
  uint32_t timestamp = send_time_24bits << kAbsSendTimeInterArrivalUpshift;
  // 时间戳转为ms
  int64_t send_time_ms = static_cast<int64_t>(timestamp) * kTimestampToMs;
  // 当前时间
  int64_t now_ms = clock_->TimeInMilliseconds();
  // TODO(holmer): SSRCs are only needed for REMB, should be broken out from
  // here.

  // Check if incoming bitrate estimate is valid, and if it needs to be reset.
  // 检查是否有输入码率
  absl::optional<uint32_t> incoming_bitrate =
  if (incoming_bitrate) {
    // 如果有输入码率,设置incoming_bitrate_initialized_ 
    incoming_bitrate_initialized_ = true;
  } else if (incoming_bitrate_initialized_) {
    // Incoming bitrate had a previous valid value, but now not enough data
    // point are left within the current window. Reset incoming bitrate
    // estimator so that the window size will only contain new data points.
    // 如果之前有过输入码率,但是这次又没了,重置一下
    incoming_bitrate_initialized_ = false;
  // 添加当前包到输入码率统计器
  incoming_bitrate_.Update(payload_size, arrival_time_ms);
  // 记录第一个包的时间
  if (first_packet_time_ms_ == -1)
    first_packet_time_ms_ = now_ms;

  uint32_t ts_delta = 0;
  int64_t t_delta = 0;
  int size_delta = 0;
  bool update_estimate = false;
  uint32_t target_bitrate_bps = 0;
  std::vector<uint32_t> ssrcs;
    rtc::CritScope lock(&crit_);

    ssrcs_[ssrc] = now_ms;

    // For now only try to detect probes while we don't have a valid estimate.
    // We currently assume that only packets larger than 200 bytes are paced by
    // the sender.
    // 这个逻辑用来初始化码率,因为最初的几秒可能其他模块的数据量不够,还没法正常工作。
    // 使用超过200字节的包作为1个探测包(Probe),保留最近的15个探测包,
    // Probe的集合称为包簇(Cluster),每个包簇里的包里包簇的平均时间间隔不超过2.5ms,也就是包簇总大小为5ms.
    const size_t kMinProbePacketSize = 200;
    if (payload_size > kMinProbePacketSize &&                            // 探测包大小必须至少200字节
        (!remote_rate_.ValidEstimate() ||                                // 如果还没有预估出码率
         now_ms - first_packet_time_ms_ < kInitialProbingIntervalMs)) {  // 或者是最初的2秒
      // TODO(holmer): Use a map instead to get correct order?
      if (total_probes_received_ < kMaxProbePackets) {  // 打印下log
        int send_delta_ms = -1;
        int recv_delta_ms = -1;
        if (!probes_.empty()) {
          send_delta_ms = send_time_ms - probes_.back().send_time_ms;
          recv_delta_ms = arrival_time_ms - probes_.back().recv_time_ms;
        RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe packet received: send time=" << send_time_ms
                         << " ms, recv time=" << arrival_time_ms
                         << " ms, send delta=" << send_delta_ms
                         << " ms, recv delta=" << recv_delta_ms << " ms.";
      // 保存探测包
      probes_.push_back(Probe(send_time_ms, arrival_time_ms, payload_size));
      // 累加探测包计数器
      // Make sure that a probe which updated the bitrate immediately has an
      // effect by calling the OnReceiveBitrateChanged callback.
      // 处理探测包,检查是否可以计算出初始码率,如果可以的话,内部直接更新到AimdRateControl
      if (ProcessClusters(now_ms) == ProbeResult::kBitrateUpdated)
        update_estimate = true;
    // 到达时间滤波器,输入包的发送时间、接收时间、尺寸,输出5ms包簇(跟探测包簇不是一个东西)
    // 之间的发送时间间隔、接收时间间隔、尺寸差
    if (inter_arrival_->ComputeDeltas(timestamp, arrival_time_ms, now_ms,
                                      payload_size, &ts_delta, &t_delta,
                                      &size_delta)) {
      // 发送时间戳之差转换成ms
      double ts_delta_ms = (1000.0 * ts_delta) / (1 << kInterArrivalShift);
      // 卡尔曼滤波器处理到达时间滤波器的输出,得到到达间隔增量,也就是延迟变化量,或者称拥塞值
      estimator_->Update(t_delta, ts_delta_ms, size_delta, detector_.State(),
      // 过载检测器根据到达间隔增量检测链路过载状态
      detector_.Detect(estimator_->offset(), ts_delta_ms,
                       estimator_->num_of_deltas(), arrival_time_ms);
	// 检查是需要立刻更新预估码率
    if (!update_estimate) {
      // Check if it's time for a periodic update or if we should update because
      // of an over-use.
	  // 周期性的判断:如果从来没有更新过预估码率,或者距离上次更新过去了一定时间(GetFeedbackInterval),
	  // 该时间为RTCP的发送间隔,大致在5%的预估带宽下,1个80字节的RTCP包的发送间隔,
	  // 并限制在(200ms, 1000ms)范围内.
      if (last_update_ms_ == -1 ||
          now_ms - last_update_ms_ > remote_rate_.GetFeedbackInterval().ms()) {
        // 强制更新一次估算值
        update_estimate = true;
      } else if (detector_.State() == BandwidthUsage::kBwOverusing) {
        // 时间不到但是已经在过载状态,则需要检查下是否需要提前更新,快速反应。
        // TimeToReduceFurther函数判断有以下两个条件之一则成立:
        //   1.距离上次更新过去了1个rtt的时间;
        //   2.输入码率小于50%的当前预估带宽
        absl::optional<uint32_t> incoming_rate =
        if (incoming_rate &&
                                             DataRate::bps(*incoming_rate))) {
          // 强制更新一次估算值
          update_estimate = true;
    // 如果需要更新预估带宽
    if (update_estimate) {
      // The first overuse should immediately trigger a new estimate.
      // We also have to update the estimate immediately if we are overusing
      // and the target bitrate is too high compared to what we are receiving.
      // 输入为当前的输入码率、链路拥塞状态.
      const RateControlInput input(
      // 估算并返回当前的带宽
      target_bitrate_bps =
          remote_rate_.Update(&input, Timestamp::ms(now_ms)).bps<uint32_t>();
      // 是否估算成功
      update_estimate = remote_rate_.ValidEstimate();
      ssrcs = Keys(ssrcs_);
  // 如果估算成功
  if (update_estimate) {
    // 记录更新时间
    last_update_ms_ = now_ms;
    // 通知订阅了这个预估码率的模块.
    observer_->OnReceiveBitrateChanged(ssrcs, target_bitrate_bps);

5.6.3 处理包簇初始化码率 - RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::ProcessClusters


RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::ProcessClusters(int64_t now_ms) {
  std::list<Cluster> clusters;
  // 通过探测包构建包簇集
  // 如果构建包簇集失败
  if (clusters.empty()) {
    // If we reach the max number of probe packets and still have no clusters,
    // we will remove the oldest one.
    // 如果探测包溢出(15个),删除最旧的,直到正确构建包簇集.
    if (probes_.size() >= kMaxProbePackets)
    return ProbeResult::kNoUpdate;
  // 计算所有包簇的最佳探测带宽(取最大值)
  std::list<Cluster>::const_iterator best_it = FindBestProbe(clusters);
  if (best_it != clusters.end()) {
    // 获取通过发送时间、接收时间计算的码率的最小值作为当前包簇的探测带宽
    int probe_bitrate_bps =
        std::min(best_it->GetSendBitrateBps(), best_it->GetRecvBitrateBps());
    // Make sure that a probe sent on a lower bitrate than our estimate can't
    // reduce the estimate.
    // 如果探测带宽优于当前带宽
    if (IsBitrateImproving(probe_bitrate_bps)) {
      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe successful, sent at "
                       << best_it->GetSendBitrateBps() << " bps, received at "
                       << best_it->GetRecvBitrateBps()
                       << " bps. Mean send delta: " << best_it->send_mean_ms
                       << " ms, mean recv delta: " << best_it->recv_mean_ms
                       << " ms, num probes: " << best_it->count;
      // 直接设置到AimdRateControl作为初始码率.
      return ProbeResult::kBitrateUpdated;

  // Not probing and received non-probe packet, or finished with current set
  // of probes.
  if (clusters.size() >= kExpectedNumberOfProbes)
  return ProbeResult::kNoUpdate;


void RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::ComputeClusters(
    std::list<Cluster>* clusters) const {
  Cluster current;
  int64_t prev_send_time = -1;
  int64_t prev_recv_time = -1;
  // 遍历探测包
  for (std::list<Probe>::const_iterator it = probes_.begin();
       it != probes_.end(); ++it) {
    if (prev_send_time >= 0) {
      // 计算两个探测包的时间间隔
      int send_delta_ms = it->send_time_ms - prev_send_time;
      int recv_delta_ms = it->recv_time_ms - prev_recv_time;
      if (send_delta_ms >= 1 && recv_delta_ms >= 1) {
        // 累加当前包簇有有效时间的包数
      // 如果探测包不在包簇平均时间的5ms范围之内
      if (!IsWithinClusterBounds(send_delta_ms, current)) {
        // 如果聚集了超过4个有效探测包
        if (current.count >= kMinClusterSize && current.send_mean_ms > 0.0f &&
            current.recv_mean_ms > 0.0f) {
          // 添加1个新的包簇到包簇集合,会求得包簇尺寸、时间的平均值,以便计算码率
          AddCluster(clusters, &current);
        // 重置当前包簇
        current = Cluster();
      // 更新当前包簇的累计时间、尺寸
      current.send_mean_ms += send_delta_ms;
      current.recv_mean_ms += recv_delta_ms;
      current.mean_size += it->payload_size;
    prev_send_time = it->send_time_ms;
    prev_recv_time = it->recv_time_ms;
  // 剩余的不满5ms的探测包也判断下是否有必要添加成1个有效包簇
  if (current.count >= kMinClusterSize && current.send_mean_ms > 0.0f &&
      current.recv_mean_ms > 0.0f) {
    AddCluster(clusters, &current);


    const std::list<Cluster>& clusters) const {
  int highest_probe_bitrate_bps = 0;
  // 遍历所有包簇
  std::list<Cluster>::const_iterator best_it = clusters.end();
  for (std::list<Cluster>::const_iterator it = clusters.begin();
       it != clusters.end(); ++it) {
    if (it->send_mean_ms == 0 || it->recv_mean_ms == 0)
    if (it->num_above_min_delta > it->count / 2 &&  // 如果当前包簇有有效时间的探测包数超过1半
        (it->recv_mean_ms - it->send_mean_ms <= 2.0f &&  // 并且接收时间差和发送时间差很接近
         it->send_mean_ms - it->recv_mean_ms <= 5.0f)) {
      // 获取通过发送时间、接收时间计算的码率的最小值作为当前包簇的探测带宽
      int probe_bitrate_bps =
          std::min(it->GetSendBitrateBps(), it->GetRecvBitrateBps());
      // 记录所有包簇的探测带宽的最大值
      if (probe_bitrate_bps > highest_probe_bitrate_bps) {
        highest_probe_bitrate_bps = probe_bitrate_bps;
        best_it = it;
    } else {
      // 如果发现无效的包簇,则本次探测失败.
      int send_bitrate_bps = it->mean_size * 8 * 1000 / it->send_mean_ms;
      int recv_bitrate_bps = it->mean_size * 8 * 1000 / it->recv_mean_ms;
      RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Probe failed, sent at " << send_bitrate_bps
                       << " bps, received at " << recv_bitrate_bps
                       << " bps. Mean send delta: " << it->send_mean_ms
                       << " ms, mean recv delta: " << it->recv_mean_ms
                       << " ms, num probes: " << it->count;
  // 返回最佳码率
  return best_it;

5.7 接收端带宽调整算法总结


6 后记



